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- Tux Paint
- version 0.9.20
- A simple drawing program for children
- Copyright 2002-2008 by Bill Kendrick and others
- New Breed Software
- bill@newbreedsoftware.com
- http://www.tuxpaint.org/
- June 14, 2002 - March 27, 2008
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- +-------------------------------------------+
- | Table of Contents |
- |-------------------------------------------|
- | * About |
- | * Using Tux Paint |
- | * Loading Other Pictures into Tux Paint |
- | * Further Reading |
- | * How to Get Help |
- +-------------------------------------------+
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- About
- What Is 'Tux Paint?'
- Tux Paint is a free drawing program designed for young children (kids
- ages 3 and up). It has a simple, easy-to-use interface, fun sound
- effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who helps guide children as
- they use the program. It provides a blank canvas and a variety of
- drawing tools to help your child be creative.
- License:
- Tux Paint is an Open Source project, Free Software released under the
- GNU General Public License (GPL). It is free, and the 'source code'
- behind the program is available. (This allows others to add features,
- fix bugs, and use parts of the program in their own GPL'd software.)
- See COPYING.txt for the full text of the GPL license.
- Objectives:
- Easy and Fun
- Tux Paint is meant to be a simple drawing program for young
- children. It is not meant as a general-purpose drawing tool.
- It is meant to be fun and easy to use. Sound effects and a
- cartoon character help let the user know what's going on, and
- keeps them entertained. There are also extra-large
- cartoon-style mouse pointer shapes.
- Extensibility
- Tux Paint is extensible. Brushes and "rubber stamp" shapes can
- be dropped in and pulled out. For example, a teacher can drop
- in a collection of animal shapes and ask their students to
- draw an ecosystem. Each shape can have a sound which is
- played, and textual facts which are displayed, when the child
- selects the shape.
- Portability
- Tux Paint is portable among various computer platforms:
- Windows, Macintosh, Linux, etc. The interface looks the same
- among them all. Tux Paint runs suitably well on older systems
- (like a Pentium 133), and can be built to run better on slow
- systems.
- Simplicity
- There is no direct access to the computer's underlying
- intricacies. The current image is kept when the program quits,
- and reappears when it is restarted. Saving images requires no
- need to create filenames or use the keyboard. Opening an image
- is done by selecting it from a collection of thumbnails.
- Access to other files on the computer is restricted.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Using Tux Paint
- Loading Tux Paint
- Linux/Unix Users
- Tux Paint should have placed a launcher icon in your KDE and/or GNOME
- menus, under 'Graphics.'
- Alternatively, you can run the following command at a shell prompt
- (e.g., "$"):
- $ tuxpaint
- If any errors occur, they will be displayed on the terminal (to
- "stderr").
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Windows Users
- [Icon]
- Tux Paint
- If you installed Tux Paint on your computer using the
- 'Tux Paint Installer,' it will have asked you whether you wanted a
- 'Start' menu short-cut, and/or a desktop shortcut. If you agreed,
- you can simply run Tux Paint from the 'Tux Paint' section of your
- 'Start' menu (e.g., under "All Programs" on Windows XP), or by
- double-clicking the "Tux Paint" icon on your desktop.
- If you installed Tux Paint using the 'ZIP-file' download, or if you
- used the 'Tux Paint Installer,' but chose not to have shortcuts
- installed, you'll need to double-click the "tuxpaint.exe" icon in
- the 'Tux Paint' folder on your computer.
- By default, the 'Tux Paint Installer' will put Tux Paint's folder in
- "C:\Program Files\", though you may have changed this when the
- installer ran.
- If you used the 'ZIP-file' download, Tux Paint's folder will be
- wherever you put it when you unzipped the ZIP file.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mac OS X Users
- Simply double-click the "Tux Paint" icon.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Title Screen
- When Tux Paint first loads, a title/credits screen will appear.
- [Title Screenshot]
- Once loading is complete, press a key or click on the mouse to
- continue. (Or, after about 30 seconds, the title screen will go away
- automatically.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Main Screen
- The main screen is divided into the following sections:
- Left Side: Toolbar
- The toolbar contains the drawing and editing controls.
- [Tools: Paint, Stamp, Lines, Shapes, Text, Magic, Undo, Redo, Eraser, New, Open,
- Save, Print, Quit]
- Middle: Drawing Canvas
- The largest part of the screen, in the center, is the drawing
- canvas. This is, obviously, where you draw!
- [(Canvas)]
- Note: The size of the drawing canvas depends on the size of
- Tux Paint. You can change the size of Tux Paint using the
- Tux Paint Config. configuration tool, or by other means. See
- the OPTIONS documentation for more details.
- Right Side: Selector
- Depending on the current tool, the selector shows different
- things. e.g., when the Paint Brush tool is selected, it shows
- the various brushes available. When the Rubber Stamp tool is
- selected, it shows the different shapes you can use.
- [Selectors - Brushes, Letters, Shapes, Stamps]
- Lower: Colors
- A palette of available colors are shown near the bottom of the
- screen.
- [Colors - Black, White, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple,
- Brown, Grey]
- (NOTE: You can define your own colors for Tux Paint. See the
- "Options" documentation.)
- Bottom: Help Area
- At the very bottom of the screen, Tux, the Linux Penguin,
- provides tips and other information while you draw.
- (For example: 'Pick a shape. Click to pick the center, drag, then let go when it
- is the size you want. Move around to rotate it, and click to draw it.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Available Tools
- Drawing Tools
- Paint (Brush)
- The Paint Brush tool lets you draw freehand, using various
- brushes (chosen in the Selector on the right) and colors
- (chosen in the Color palette towards the bottom).
- If you hold the mouse button down, and move the mouse, it
- will draw as you move.
- As you draw, a sound is played. The bigger the brush, the
- lower the pitch.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stamp (Rubber Stamp)
- The Stamp tool is like a set of rubber stamps or stickers.
- It lets you paste pre-drawn or photographic images (like a
- picture of a horse, or a tree, or the moon) in your picture.
- As you move the mouse around the canvas, an outline follows
- the mouse, showing where the stamp will be placed, and how
- big it will be.
- There can be numerous categories of stamps (e.g., animals,
- plants, outer space, vehicles, people, etc.). Use the Left
- and Right arrows to cycle through the collections.
- Some stamps can be colored or tinted. If the color palette
- below the canvas is activated, you can click the colors to
- change the tint or color of the stamp before placing it in
- the picture.
- Stamps can be shrunk and expanded, and many stamps can be
- flipped vertically, or displayed as a mirror-image, using
- controls at the bottom right of the screen.
- Different stamps can have different sound effects and/or
- descriptive (spoken) sounds. Buttons at the lower left (near
- Tux, the Linux penguin) allow you to re-play the sound
- effects and descriptive sounds for the currently-selected
- stamp.
- (NOTE: If the "nostampcontrols" option is set, Tux Paint
- won't display the Mirror, Flip, Shrink and Grow controls for
- stamps. See the "Options" documentation.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lines
- This tool lets you draw straight lines using the various
- brushes and colors you normally use with the Paint Brush.
- Click the mouse and hold it to choose the starting point of
- the line. As you move the mouse around, a thin 'rubber-band'
- line will show where the line will be drawn.
- Let go of the mouse to complete the line. A "sproing!" sound
- will play.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shapes
- This tool lets you draw some simple filled, and un-filled
- shapes.
- Select a shape from the selector on the right (circle,
- square, oval, etc.).
- In the canvas, click the mouse and hold it to stretch the
- shape out from where you clicked. Some shapes can change
- proportion (e.g., rectangle and oval), others cannot (e.g.,
- square and circle).
- Let go of the mouse when you're done stretching.
- Normal Mode
- Now you can move the mouse around the canvas to
- rotate the shape.
- Click the mouse button again and the shape will
- be drawn in the current color.
- Simple Shapes Mode
- If simple shapes are enabled (e.g., with the
- "--simpleshapes" option), the shape will be
- drawn on the canvas when you let go of the
- mouse button. (There's no rotation step.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Text
- Choose a font (from the 'Letters' available on the right)
- and a color (from the color palette near the bottom). Click
- on the screen and a cursor will appear. Type text and it
- will show up on the screen.
- Press [Enter] or [Return] and the text will be drawn onto
- the picture and the cursor will move down one line.
- Alternatively, press [Tab] and the text will be drawn onto
- the picture, but the cursor will move to the right of the
- text, rather than down a line, and to the left. (This can be
- useful to create a line of text with mixed colors, fonts,
- styles and sizes: Like this.)
- Clicking elsewhere in the picture while the text entry is
- still active causes the current line of text to move to that
- location (where you can continue editing it).
- International Character Input
- Tux Paint allows inputting characters in
- different languages. Most Latin characters
- (A-Z, n, e, etc.) can by entered directly. Some
- languages require that Tux Paint be switched
- into an alternate input mode before entering,
- and some characters must be composed using
- numerous keypresses.
- When Tux Paint's locale is set to one of the
- languages that provide alternate input modes, a
- key is used to cycle through normal (Latin
- character) and locale-specific mode or modes.
- Currently supported locales, the input methods
- available, and the key to toggle or cycle
- modes, are listed below. Note: Many fonts do
- not include all characters for all languages,
- so sometimes you'll need to change fonts to see
- the characters you're trying to type.
- * Japanese -- Romanized Hiragana and
- Romanized Katakana -- right [Alt]
- * Korean -- Hangul 2-Bul -- right [Alt] or
- left [Alt]
- * Traditional Chinese -- right [Alt] or
- left [Alt]
- * Thai -- right [Alt]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Magic (Special Effects)
- The 'Magic' tool is actually a set of special tools. Select
- one of the "magic" effects from the selector on the right.
- Then, depending on the tool, either click and drag around
- the picture, or simply click the picture once, to apply the
- effect.
- Each 'Magic' tool's instructions are contained within the
- "magic-docs" folder.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Eraser
- This tool is similar to the Paint Brush. Wherever you click
- (or click and drag), the picture will be erased. (This may
- be white, some other color, or to a background picture,
- depending on the picture.)
- A number of eraser sizes are available, both round and
- square..
- As you move the mouse around, a square outline follows the
- pointer, showing what part of the picture will be erased to
- white.
- As you erase, a "squeaky clean" eraser/wiping sound is
- played.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Other Controls
- Undo
- Clicking this tool will undo the last drawing action. You
- can even undo more than once!
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[Z] on the keyboard to
- undo.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Redo
- Clicking this tool will redo the drawing action you just
- "undid" with the 'Undo' button.
- As long as you don't draw again, you can redo as many times
- as you had "undone!"
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[R] on the keyboard to
- redo.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- New
- Clicking the "New" button will start a new drawing. A dialog
- will appear where you may choose to start a new picture
- using a solid background color, or using a 'Starter' image
- (see below). You will first be asked whether you really want
- to do this.
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[N] on the keyboard to
- start a new drawing.
- 'Starter' Images
- 'Starters' can be like a page from a coloring book (a
- black-and-white outline of a picture, which you can then
- color in), or like a 3D photograph, where you draw the
- bits in between.
- When you load a 'Starter,' draw on it, and then click
- 'Save,' it creates a new picture file (it doesn't
- overwrite the original 'Starter,' so you can use it again
- later).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Open
- This shows you a list of all of the pictures you've saved.
- If there are more than can fit on the screen, use the "Up"
- and "Down" arrows at the top and bottom of the list to
- scroll through the list of pictures.
- Click a picture to select it, then...
- * Click the green "Open" button at the lower left of
- the list to load the selected picture.
- (Alternatively, you can double-click a picture's icon
- to load it.)
- * Click the brown "Erase" (trash can) button at the
- lower right of the list to erase the selected
- picture. (You will be asked to confirm.)
- * Click the blue "Slides" (slide projector) button at
- the lower left to go to slideshow mode. See "Slides",
- below, for details.
- * Or click the red "Back" arrow button at the lower
- right of the list to cancel and return to the picture
- you were drawing.
- If choose to open a picture, and your current drawing hasn't
- been saved, you will be prompted as to whether you want to
- save it or not. (See "Save," below.)
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[O] on the keyboard to
- get the 'Open' dialog.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Save
- This saves your current picture.
- If you haven't saved it before, it will create a new entry
- in the list of saved images. (i.e., it will create a new
- file)
- Note: It won't ask you anything (e.g., for a filename). It
- will simply save the picture, and play a "camera shutter"
- sound effect.
- If you HAVE saved the picture before, or this is a picture
- you just loaded using the "Open" command, you will first be
- asked whether you want to save over the old version, or
- create a new entry (a new file).
- (NOTE: If either the "saveover" or "saveovernew" options are
- set, it won't ask before saving over. See the "Options"
- documentation.)
- Note: You can also press [Control]-[S] on the keyboard to
- save.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Print
- Click this button and your picture will be printed!
- On most platforms, you can also hold the [Alt] key (called
- [Option] on Macs) while clicking the 'Print' button to get a
- printer dialog. Note that this may not work if you're
- running Tux Paint in fullscreen mode. See below.
- Disabling Printing
- If the "noprint" option was set (either with
- "noprint=yes" in Tux Paint's configuration
- file, or using "--noprint" on the
- command-line), the "Print" button will be
- disabled.
- See the "Options" documentation.)
- Restricting Printing
- If the "printdelay" option was used (either
- with "printdelay=SECONDS" in the configuration
- file, or using "--printdelay=SECONDS" on the
- command-line), you can only print once every
- SECONDS seconds.
- For example, with "printdelay=60", you can
- print only once a minute.
- See the "Options" documentation.)
- Printing Commands
- (Linux and Unix only)
- Tux Paint prints by generating a PostScript
- representation of the drawing and sending it to
- an external program. By default, the program
- is:
- lpr
- This command can be changed by setting the
- "printcommand" value in Tux Paint's
- configuration file.
- If the [Alt] key on the keyboard is being
- pushed while clicking the 'Print' button, as
- long as you're not in fullscreen mode, an
- alternative program is run. By default, the
- program is KDE's graphical print dialog:
- kprinter
- This command can be changed by setting the
- "altprintcommand" value in Tux Paint's
- configuration file.
- For information on how to change the printing
- commands, see the "Options" documentation.
- Printer Settings
- (Windows and Mac OS X)
- By default, Tux Paint simply prints to the
- default printer with default settings when the
- 'Print' button is pushed.
- However, if you hold the [Alt] (or [Option])
- key on the keyboard while pushing the button,
- as long as you're not in fullscreen mode, your
- operating system's printer dialog will appear,
- where you can change the settings.
- You can have the printer configuration changes
- stored by using the "printcfg" option, either
- by using "--printcfg" on the command-line, or
- "printcfg=yes" in Tux Paint's own configuration
- file ("tuxpaint.cfg").
- If the "printcfg" option is used, printer
- settings will be loaded from the file
- "print.cfg" in your personal folder (see
- below). Any changes will be saved there as
- well.
- See the "Options" documentation.)
- Printer Dialog Options
- By default, Tux Paint only shows the printer
- dialog (or, on Linux/Unix, runs the
- "altprintcommand", e.g., "kprinter" instead of
- "lpr") if the [Alt] (or [Option]) key is held
- while clicking the 'Print' button.
- However, this behavior can be changed. You can
- have the printer dialog always appear by using
- "--altprintalways" on the command-line, or
- "altprint=always" in Tux Paint's configuration
- file. Or, you can prevent the [Alt]/[Option]
- key from having any effect by using
- "--altprintnever", or "altprint=never".
- See the "Options" documentation.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Slides (under "Open")
- The "Slides" button is available in the "Open" dialog. It
- displays a list of your saved files, just like the "Open"
- dialog.
- Click each of the images you wish to display in a
- slideshow-style presentation, one by one. A digit will
- appear over each image, letting you know in which order they
- will be displayed.
- You can click a selected image to unselect it (take it out
- of your slideshow).
- A sliding scale at the lower left of the screen (next to the
- "Play" button) can be used to adjust the speed of the
- slideshow, from slowest to fastest. Choose the leftmost
- setting to disable automatic advancement -- you will need to
- press a key or click to go to the next slide (see below).
- Note: The slowest setting does not automatically advance
- through the slides. Use it for when you want to step through
- them manually.
- When you're ready, click the "Play" button to begin the
- slideshow. (Note: If you hadn't selected ANY images, then
- ALL images will be played in the slideshow.)
- During the slideshow, press [Space], [Enter] or [Return] or
- the [Right Arrow], or click the "Next" button at the lower
- left, to manually advance to the next slide. Press [Left] to
- go back to the previous slide.
- Press [Escape], or click the "Back" button at the lower
- right, to exit the slideshow and return to the slideshow
- image selection screen.
- Click "Back" in the slideshow image selection screen to
- return to the "Open" dialog.
- Quit
- Clicking the "Quit" button, closing the Tux Paint window, or
- pushing the [Escape] key will quit Tux Paint.
- You will first be prompted as to whether you really want to
- quit.
- If you choose to quit, and you haven't saved the current
- picture, you will first be asked if wish to save it. If it's
- not a new image, you will then be asked if you want to save
- over the old version, or create a new entry. (See "Save"
- above.)
- NOTE: If the image is saved, it will be reloaded
- automatically the next time you run Tux Paint!
- NOTE: The "Quit" button and [Escape] key can be disabled
- (e.g., by selecting "Disable 'Quit' Button" in
- Tux Paint Config. or running Tux Paint with the "--noquit"
- command-line option).
- In that case, the "window close" button on Tux Paint's title
- bar (if not in fullscreen mode) or the [Alt] + [F4] key
- sequence may be used to quit.
- If neither of those are possible, the key sequence of
- [Shift] + [Control] + [Escape] may be used to quit. (See the
- "Options" documentation.)
- Sound Muting
- There is no on-screen control button at this time, but by
- pressing [Alt] + [S], sound effects can be disabled and
- re-enabled (muted and unmuted) while the program is running.
- Note that if sounds are completely disabled (e.g., by
- unselecting "Enable Sound Effects" in Tux Paint Config or
- running Tux Paint with the "--nosound" command-line option),
- the [Alt] + [S] key sequence has no effect. (i.e., it cannot
- be used to turn on sounds when the parent/teacher wants them
- disabled.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Loading Other Pictures into Tux Paint
- Since Tux Paint's 'Open' dialog only displays pictures you created with
- Tux Paint, what if you want to load some other picture or photograph
- into Tux Paint to edit?
- To do so, you simply need to convert the picture into a PNG (Portable
- Network Graphic) image file, and place it in Tux Paint's "saved"
- directory:
- Windows
- Inside the user's "Application Data" folder, e.g.: "C:\Documents
- and Settings\(user name)\Application Data\TuxPaint\saved\"
- Mac OS X
- Inside the user's "Library" folder:
- "/Users/(user name)/Library/Application
- Support/Tux Paint/saved/"
- Linux/Unix
- Inside a hidden ".tuxpaint" directory, in the user's home
- directory: "$(HOME)/.tuxpaint/saved/"
- Using 'tuxpaint-import'
- Linux and Unix users can use the "tuxpaint-import" shell script which
- gets installed when you install Tux Paint. It uses some NetPBM tools
- to convert the image ("anytopnm"), resize it so that it will fit in
- Tux Paint's canvas ("pnmscale"), and convert it to a PNG ("pnmtopng").
- It also uses the "date" command to get the current time and date,
- which is the file-naming convention Tux Paint uses for saved files.
- (Remember, you are never asked for a 'filename' when you go to Save or
- Open pictures!)
- To use 'tuxpaint-import', simply run the command from a command-line
- prompt and provide it the name(s) of the file(s) you wish to convert.
- They will be converted and placed in your Tux Paint 'saved' directory.
- (Note: If you're doing this for a different user - e.g., your child,
- you'll need to make sure to run the command under their account.)
- Example:
- $ tuxpaint-import grandma.jpg
- grandma.jpg -> /home/username/.tuxpaint/saved/20020921123456.png
- jpegtopnm: WRITING A PPM FILE
- The first line ("tuxpaint-import grandma.jpg") is the command to run.
- The following two lines are output from the program while it's
- working.
- Now you can load Tux Paint, and a version of that original picture
- will be available under the 'Open' dialog. Just double-click its icon!
- Doing it Manually
- Windows, Mac OS X and BeOS users must currently do the conversion
- manually.
- Load a graphics program that is capable of both loading your picture
- and saving a PNG format file. (See the documentation file "PNG.txt"
- for a list of suggested software, and other references.)
- When Tux Paint loads an image that's not the same size as its drawing
- canvas, it scales (and sometimes smears the edges of) the image so
- that it fits within the canvas.
- To avoid having the image stretched or smeared, you can resize it to
- Tux Paint's canvas size. This size depends on the size of the
- Tux Paint window, or resolution at which Tux Paint is run, if in
- fullscreen. (Note: The default resolution is 800x600.) See
- "Calculating Image Dimensions", below.
- Save the picture in PNG format. It is highly recommended that you name
- the filename using the current date and time, since that's the
- convention Tux Paint uses:
- YYYYMMDDhhmmss.png
- * YYYY = Year
- * MM = Month (01-12)
- * DD = Day (01-31)
- * HH = Hour, in 24-hour format (00-23)
- * mm = Minute (00-59)
- * ss = Second (00-59)
- e.g.:
- 20020921130500 - for September 21, 2002, 1:05:00pm
- Place this PNG file in your Tux Paint 'saved' directory. (See above.)
- Calculating Image Dimensions
- The width of Tux Paint's canvas is simply the width of the window
- (e.g., 640, 800 or 1024 pixels), minus 192.
- Calculating the height of Tux Paint's canvas requires multiple
- steps:
- 1. Take the height of the window (e.g, 480, 600 or 768 pixels) and
- subtract 144
- 2. Take the result of Step 1 and divide it by 48
- 3. Take the result of Step 2 and round it down (e.g., 9.5 becomes
- simply 9)
- 4. Take the result of Step 3 and multiply it by 48
- 5. Finally, take the result of Step 4 and add 40
- Example: Tux Paint running at fullscreen on a 1440x900 display.
- * The canvas width is simply 1440 - 192, or 1248.
- * The canvas height is calculated as:
- 1. 900 - 144, or 756
- 2. 756 / 48, or 15.75
- 3. 15.75 rounded down, or 15
- 4. 15 * 48, or 720
- 5. 720 + 40, or 760
- So the canvas within a 1440x900 Tux Paint window is 1248x760.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Further Reading
- Other documentation included with Tux Paint (in the "docs"
- folder/directory) include:
- * "Magic" Tool Documentation ("magic-docs")
- Documentation for each of the currently-installed "Magic" tools.
- * AUTHORS.txt
- List of authors and contributors.
- * CHANGES.txt
- Summary of changed between releases.
- * COPYING.txt
- Copying license (The GNU General Public License).
- * INSTALL.txt
- Instructions for compiling/installing, when applicable.
- * EXTENDING.html
- Detailed instructions on creating brushes, stamps and starters, and
- adding fonts, to extend Tux Paint.
- * OPTIONS.html
- Detailed instructions on command-line and configuration-file
- options, for those who don't want to use Tux Paint Config.
- * PNG.txt
- Notes on creating PNG format bitmapped images for use in Tux Paint.
- * SVG.txt
- Notes on creating SVG format vector images for use in Tux Paint.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- How to Get Help
- If you need help, feel free to contact New Breed Software:
- http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/
- You may also wish to participate in the numerous Tux Paint mailing
- lists:
- http://www.tuxpaint.org/lists/